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The benefits of hiring temporary staff

  • Publish Date: Posted about 4 years ago

​Business needs can change overtime, especially in today’s climate. As a result, hiring permanent employees may not be an option for your business. Employers find that temporary workers are particularly useful for short term projects or for covering busy seasonal periods. In addition to this, they add great value and allow skill gaps to be filled for a specific length of time to suit the business needs. Here are some of the key benefits of hiring temporary workers:

Cost effective

In most cases, hiring temporary employees is much more cost effective for your business than taking on a permanent member of staff and many businesses at the moment may not be in a financial position to do so. Hiring a temporary worker means your business can increase staff numbers without taking on more costs such as salaries, benefits, perks etc. As demand increases, you can hire multiple temps to cover the workload and when demand drops, you’re not tied to any long-term commitments.

Fresh perspectives

Temporary workers can bring fresh perspectives to your business. The more you hire, the fresher ideas and value you’re going to get.

Shorter hiring process

Overall, the hiring process is much quicker for temporary staff. This is because businesses are hiring based on the skills they need short term rather than looking at the long-term needs of the business. Temporary staffing can start almost immediately and recruiting them is a very straightforward process.


Flexibility is key to many businesses, and temporary employees are an ideal solution for appointing someone that won’t be required all year round, for example, covering seasonal demands, regular absences from existing employees, maternity or paternity cover etc.

‘Try out’ potential future hires

Hiring temporary staff means you can monitor how a worker performs, assess their skills, and look at how they would fit in the business before committing to a permanent hire.

We spoke to our Divisional Recruitment Manager, Craig Bramhall, about why he thinks temporary staff in the engineering and manufacturing industry is beneficial to business.

“Temporary staffing offers businesses support and flexibility throughout the year. Traditionally we see our clients requesting additional support to help assist with an increase in workload or to cover holidays and sickness. More recently however, we have noticed a spike in requests for temporary candidates due to the ongoing COVID isolation periods which can leave gaps in the workplace, especially within the manufacturing industry.”

“Our clients have full flexibility whether they require some additional support for a few weeks or ongoing for a few months. We also offer the option to take on the temporary candidate on a permanent basis.”

If you would like to speak to Craig about your temporary recruitment for your business, please call 0114 442 0199 or email